Depression - Magaziner Center


Depression is a complex condition, one that may have actual physical causes that can be diagnosed and effectively treated.

At the Magaziner Center, we specialize in identifying the underlying problems or deficiencies that may well be disrupting normal brain chemistry, with resulting psychological effects.

What is depression?

Depression, also called major depressive disorder and clinical depression, is a condition that affects how a person feels, thinks and behaves. It may be described as feeling sad or emotionally numb. While most of us may suffer from such feelings for short periods, depression is a chronic illness characterized by long periods of sadness, loss, anger or frustration that interfere with everyday life and can even lead to thoughts of suicide.

What are the symptoms of depression?

Depression is a condition that can have a profound effect on personality and enjoyment of life, with symptoms that include:

  • Loss of interest or pleasure in once enjoyable activities
  • Significant weight loss when not dieting or weight gain, or a decrease or increase in appetite
  • Difficulty sleeping or sleeping too much
  • Agitation
  • Extreme fatigue or lack of energy
  • Feelings of worthlessness or inappropriate guilt
  • Poor concentration or having difficulty making decisions

How they treat it

Conventional treatments for depression usually consist of prescribing prescription antidepressants, the side effects of which may include nausea, loss of sexual desire or sexual dysfunction, insomnia, blurred vision, constipation and dry mouth. In some cases, these medications can mimic or even accentuate such symptoms of depressions as fatigue, weight gain, insomnia and suicidal thoughts.

How we treat it

At the Magaziner Center, we treat depression by thoroughly assessing each patient’s physical state and looking for all possible triggers. Because depression has been linked to imbalances of specific neurotransmitters, we use an extremely thorough series of screenings to determine their levels as well as those of key amino acids. We also test for any nutritional deficiencies, chemical toxicities, adrenal and hormonal imbalances, allergies or food intolerance and excesses of heavy metal.

Once having determined what physical causes may be involved, we use proven natural methods to treat them such as sublingual desensitization, nutritional therapies, chelation therapy, mind-body healing, neurotransmitter therapy and hormone balancing.

Related research and articles

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