Fibromyalgia Doctor | NJ & Philadelphia | The Magaziner Center for Wellness


It took the American Medical Association until 1987 to recognize fibromyalgia, and not long after drug makers saw blockbuster potential in developing and selling treatments.

Despite FDA approval, the drugs that are heavily prescribed for fibromyalgia, such as Lyrica, Cymbalta and other anti-depressant drugs, come with some frightening adverse effects.

That’s why at the Magaziner Center we use natural and innovative methods to address underlying problems without resorting to incredibly risky medications that simply and temporarily, suppress the symptoms.

What is fibromyalgia?

Those with fibromyalgia experience long-term, body wide pain and tender points in joints, muscles, tendons, and other soft tissues. Fibromyalgia has also been linked to fatigue, sleep problems, headaches, depression, anxiety and other symptoms.

What causes fibromyalgia?

While the cause of fibromyalgia isn’t yet known, we do know some of the triggers, which can include physical or emotional trauma; sleep disturbances; food allergies or sensitivities, a viral, bacteria, fungal or parasitic infection; an overload of chemicals in the body, or heavy metal toxicity; overgrowth of candida and a hormonal or nutritional imbalance or deficiency.

What are the symptoms?

Fibromyalgia sufferers may experience a variety of symptoms including:

  • Deep aching, shooting or burning pain, which radiates from tender points in the soft tissue on the back of the neck, shoulders, sternum, lower back, hips, shins, elbows and knees
  • Irritable bowel syndrome, with alternating diarrhea and constipation
  • Poor memory and problems thinking clearly
  • Numbness and tingling in hands and feet
  • Heart palpitations
  • Tension or migraine headaches
  • Disabling fatigue
  • Depression

In addition, fibromyalgia might go along with or mimic the symptoms of chronic fatigue syndrome, Lyme disease and hypothyroidism.

How they treat it

Traditionally, fibromyalgia is treated by suppressing the individual symptoms with medications. The most commonly prescribed are pain relievers, including NSAIDs, both over-the-counter and prescription antidepressants and anti-seizure drugs, which come with a long list of side effects. Cymbalta, for example, comes with a black-box warning for suicidal thinking and behavior. NSAIDs, such as aspirin and ibuprofen, despite the fact that they’re so easy to buy, can trigger numerous and often serious problems with the kidneys, heart and stomach, including significant bleeding.

How we treat it

At the Magaziner Center, we recognize that fibromyalgia is a complex condition triggered by many underlying factors. We strive to find the root cause of the symptoms and to treat the condition at its source. That involves conducting a full physical exam, biochemical analysis and discussion of the past medical history and individual lifestyle of each patient. Once we’ve determined the triggers involved in each individual case, we are able to treat the condition using safe, nontoxic methods such as nutritional supplements, intravenous therapies and sublingual desensitization. Each of these therapies is designed to correct the imbalance or problem, rather than simply suppressing it, while restoring the patient to health and wellness.

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