Dr. Magaziner's 5 Part COVID-19 Series - Magaziner Center

Dr. Magaziner’s 5 Part COVID-19 Series

This is Dr. Allan Magaziner, in his Cherry Hill, New Jersey Office.April 6, 2020.

My five point plan

We are all in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic. I have come up with my five point plan that I want to present to you.

I’ve been using this plan in many of my patients now and we seem to be having very good results. So I’m just going to talk to you about my experience in doing this plan. I am not suggesting or telling you that there is scientific evidence for everything I’m saying or that there are double blind procedure control trials to support my statements, I will however tell you that I’ve seen very good results so far with our patients. We are helping them stay well, stay healthy, and we’re working to keep them out of the hospital which is so crucial right now.

The first part I’m going to discuss today is going to be food and nutrition.

Overall my five point plan will include:

Day 1: Food and nutrition.

Day 2: I’m going to present you my lifestyle changes. These are the suggestions I have for lifestyle modifications.

Day 3: I am going to discuss the supplements that I’m recommending.

Day 4: I am going to discuss some of the intravenous or IV nutrients and therapies that we’re using in our practice.

Day 5: and the final for the series will be regenerative therapies.

The first part today I want to talk to you about is what I call my super foods. Before I get to super foods I just want to preface this by saying that you have to try do your best to get and eat wholesome foods. Stay away as best you can from sugars because they suppress the immune system.The more sugar you have in your diet, the more processed foods you have in your diet, the worse. These foods are devoid of nutrients, devoid of antioxidants, devoid of fiber, they are devoid of all the things that help us keep our immune system strong. What we want to do is eat vegetables. Hopefully over 50% of your intake each day can be healthy vegetables.

5 superfoods

I’ve come up with my 5 superfoods, there are many more than these five, but these are the five that I’ve been recommending to most of my patients. This list is not necessarily in any order of importance.


Broccoli and broccoli sprouts

Broccoli and broccoli sprouts contain many nutrients, including vitamin C, vitamin K, iron, and potassium. Broccoli and broccoli sprouts help protect our immune system. They are rich in fiber and sulforaphane. Sulforaphane has been shown to provide benefits in cancer, heart, and digestive support in the medical research.

Dark Greens

All kinds of dark green leafy vegetables are good, in particular think about incorporating kale, spinach. Dark greens contain varying amounts of vitamin A, vitamin C, Vitamin K1, Folic acid, and minerals such as iron and calcium.

Brussels sprouts

Brussels sprouts are also high in fiber, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. Research has indicated these components have the potential to reduce the risk of cancer, act as an anti-inflammatory, and help control blood sugar.


Mushrooms contain Beta-glucans, a fiber that helps to boost the T cells and natural killer cells in our immune system. Research has suggested Beta-glucans can help patients with diabetes, cancer, HIV, and high cholesterol.

Sweet potatoes

Sweet potatoes contain high amounts of vitamin A, vitamin C, Thiamin (vitamin B1),  Riboflavin (vitamin B2), Niacin (vitamin B3), Pantothenic Acid (vitamin B5), vitamin B6, Iron Magnesium, Potassium, Manganese and other trace minerals.

Other vegetables

Any vegetable that has a lot of pigment, or color, in them is generally very healthy. While these are the five superfoods I’ve selected today, you should be eating many more vegetables beyond just those five.

Vegetables that are part of the allium family and these include garlic, onions, leeks, and shallots have a very good antimicrobial effect that can help against various viruses, bacteria, and funguses.


While fruit would be beneficial to many, those with diabetes or have other health problems will need to be more cautious in eating them.

Fruits that have very low glycemic index numbers that are packed with phytonutrients and antioxidants are some of the berries, blueberries strawberries raspberries and even cranberries.

Kiwi,avocado, are good for us too they are very they’re loaded with healthy fats are so important for our cell membranes in our brain, for liver function and detoxification.

Watermelon is good for detoxification, has a good diuretic effect.

Resveratrol is found in red grapes, cranberries, blueberries, and nuts. Resveratrol has been shown in numerous studies to enhance immune function.

Seeds and Nuts

Two of my favourites are almonds and walnuts. They are very protective for the immune response they’re good in helping patients with heart disease and cancers. They help with elimination. Try to get the raw almonds if you can

Try to incorporate more seeds into your dietary intake. These would include hemp, chia, and flax seeds. You can also use pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, sesame seeds, as well so incorporate more seeds

Beans and Legumes

Beans and Legumes are very healthy for us. Lentils are a tremendous superfood. A great source of protein and  fiber and you need the protein and fiber to protect against infections. Chickpeas, split peas, Navy beans,Adung beans, any kind of beans are very healthy and they are a great source of protein and fiber. Beans have essential fatty acids in them

Spices and herbs

Spices and herbs. Try to use more turmeric in your dietary intake, ginger has been shown to work against infection as well as oregano. There are obviously more spices and herbs to use

Stay strong

Remember to stay inside, socially isolate, wash your hands, do all the good things that we’re hearing about, wear a mask if you’re going out. We are open, we are doing a lot of phone appointments now so if you want to get seen virtually by telemedicine by phone appointments we are here for you and we’re always here for you so will talk to you soon thanks so much and stay well.


Hi, this is Dr. Magaziner for part two of my five point plan to help protect you against Covid-19 and the corona virus.

I had previously spoken about the food and nutritional aspect of things and now today I want to talk about the lifestyle modifications. These are very important as well. Most of us are stuck at home right now and that’s probably a good thing. I don’t want you going out and running around too much. But what can you do as far as lifestyle to keep yourself healthy right now?


First off it’s exercise. Since this crisis has begun I’ve been walking around the block almost everyday, one or two times a day, taking my dog for a walk, I’m walking with my family. It’s getting us outside much more often, we are not in groups. I think it’s very important.

In addition, I have been doing much more regular exercise in my own home. I have a small gym at my house. I use an elliptical trainer and I’ve been using the treadmill and doing some isometrics and various other things as well, weights, push-ups, sit-ups, and other things as well. I want you to make sure you’re doing something everyday at least five to six days a week.


Stretching every morning for 3 – 5 minutes a day when you get up is a good thing to do. Another three to five minutes late in the day, especially in the afternoon, is a good policy or habit  to get into because it keeps a limber and it prevents us from being fatigued and tired.

Doing at least 30 minutes of some form of an activity or exercise five to six days a week is advisable.


Get involved in some type of relaxation or meditation. Some people get scared when they hear the word meditation. If you are not sure what to do, a very simple thing you can do on your own, is what I will show you right now:

Demonstration of breathing 1:40-3:40

Take a deep breath through your nose for about 4 seconds. Hold it if you can for about 4 seconds. Then breathe out slowly for 30 seconds. Do this in the dark or dimly lit room that’s quiet without people with nobody around if possible.While you are doing this try to be totally relaxed. Sit in a comfortable chair or lay on the floor and tell yourself to relax all the muscles throughout your body.  Start with the muscles of the head go down to your toes. Your body should be completely relaxed with no tension on the jaw joint, shoulder joints and shoulder muscles, or in the hips, ankles, the knees, anywhere in the body. If you feel your muscles tighten up just tell yourself they should all be completely relaxed.

Do 5 minutes in the morning and five minutes before bedtime and it will help reduce stress in your body. We know the immune system does respond to relaxation techniques.

Positive thinking

It is very important to do some positive thinking. Everyone is feeling down in the dumps these days. Think about positive things and love and laughter. Get away from the fear and pessimism that so many people are feeling right now. Our thought processes are very important, it does shape how we how we act and how we feel throughout the day. If you are infected with the Covid19 virus, do some imagery where you picture Pac-Man as your immune cells gobbling up these viruses.


It is very important during times of stress, during times of infection prevention, that we try to get extra sleep and extra rest. Try get at least seven and a half hours or 8 hours at night of good quality sleep. Make sure you turn off the computer at least an hour before bedtime. Also try to turn off your cell phones in advance as well at least an hour

Alcohol and smoking

Make sure you limit your alcohol intake. These times people may drink alcohol too much. It can depress the immune system. So you don’t want to drink too much alcohol and of course we don’t want to be exposed to people who are smoking cigarettes in your home.


Hi, Dr. Magaziner here and I am presenting my five point plan to help protect you against the COVID-19 virus.

If you watched the first two parts of my series, we talked about some of the super foods to consider. We also talked about some lifestyle modifications. Today I’m going to talk you about some of the supplements that I think are really important and I have been taking.

Over the next two parts we’re also going to talk about some of the intravenous treatments that we are offering here at the Magaziner Center as well as some of regenerative therapies that have been very powerful in helping some people.

So today I want to talk about some of the supplements I have been taking. I have boosted up my supplement intake over the last three to four weeks now because I am trying to protect myself so I can help my patients.

You know we’re seeing a lot of cancer patients in general still in this office. I have been treating a lot of cancer patients and it’s very interesting to me that I have observed that very few of my cancer patients are struggling at all with any kind of infectious symptoms. I recognize that many people can be asymptomatic but we aren’t seeing patients walking in with colds and headaches and fevers or anything like that in those who are coming into the office and taking their supplements on a regular basis. Which has been remarkable.

So let me mention a few things that I’ve been taking right now.

Vitamin C

You all have heard of vitamin C of course and that’s sort of the mainstay recommendation of a lot of infectious disease, viruses, bacteria, fungus problems. These problems may all be benefited with the use of vitamin C. I use a product called “Excellent C.” This is one that I have been taking. It is in a capsule form and I like capsules better than tablets most of the time because the absorption tends to be better. Capsules open up in the GI tract in the stomach, the powders get dispersed and they get well absorbed.

Vitamin D

I have been using vitamin D for a lot years now. Vitamin D is not only good for bones, but it also has a very strong effect against infectious agents, viruses, bacteria, funguses, as well. Two out of three Americans are probably low or deficient in vitamin D. I’ve been measuring levels now for years and we know that vitamin D levels are generally low in the overall population.

I like to optimize levels of vitamin D, even though we know that the normal level, so called by the labs are anywhere from 30 to 100 nmol/L. If you measure in the 30’s your tests say you are fine but we are in a time like this, in a time of crisis and we’re trying to prevent infection, I highly recommend that that blood level of vitamin D goes above 50 and preferably between 60 – 80 is the target I am looking for my practice and frequently it might take 5000 units a day and in some people it may take 10,000 units a day to get to where we have to be.

I see many people coming in whose levels are only in the teens and low 20’s. That’s absolutely too low. Vitamin D helps regulate a lot of the immune pathways so it’s very very important


Zinc comes in various forms including liquid form. Zinc helps slow down viral replication, it also has a beneficial effect on taste, smell, eyesight, wound healing, many other things as well. It is a trace mineral and usually we recommending or from 15 to 30 milligrams per day.

By the way. if I give you some dosage recommendations, everyone is different and not trying to see everyone needs to be or should be on the same amount. I’ll just tell you what I have been using for a lot of my patients.


Curcumin is a wonderful herbal agent. It is a nutriceutical and a particular one, CurcuPlex-95, is one I recommend. It is combined with black pepper which helps with absorption of curcumin. Curcumin is one of the most well studied herbs out there. It’s an Indian herb, it’s found in the spice called turmeric. It has been suggested that curcumin has the ability to slow down some inflammatory pathways, as it has an anti-inflammatory effect on the body.

Bio-Active Silver Hydrosol

These are silver nanoparticles. The particular one I’m using is called Argentyn 23 Bio-Active Silver Hydrosol, in health food stores you may find it as something called sovereign silver. Now this particular hydrosol is very different from what’s called colloidal silver and Ii feel that this is much effective than a colloid. A colloid has a lot of impurities in them. The Argentyn 23 Bio-Active Silver Hydrosol are completely pure.


Berberine also known as Goldenseal and this particular one that we’re using is called Berberine Balance. It has lipoic acid, grapeseed extract. Grapeseed extract has a good effect on our blood vessel health and nourishment, but Berberine itself is one thing that can help modulate a lot of the inflammatory pathway.

NAC (N-Acetyl Cysteine) and Glutathione

NAC helps to keep the lungs in good condition and we will also combine it with Glutathione (GSH). The one we are using is a Liposomal Glutathione. Glutathione is a very difficult agent to absorb. Glutathione is  a tri-peptide. It is three amino acids linked together that we make in our liver. When we are under oxidative stress or we are under assault from the environment or from infections, our body uses up glutathione very rapidly and we may not have enough then to protect ourselves. We use this orally and intravenously. We use the liposomal glutathione in liquid form because it gets absorbed much better than a tablet or capsule.


EGCG is derived from green tea extract. Drinking green tea is also a wonderful thing to do, but our EGCG is in a concentrated form.This is important for immutable modulation

Other supplements

I am using something called “PureDefense w/NAC.” It is a multivitamin containing vitamin C, vitamin D, zinc, it also has berberine, probiotic, and quercetin. Quercetin helps with absorption of vitamin C.

I just wanted to show you some of the things that I am taking and recommending.

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

Dr. Magaziner’s 5 Part COVID-19 Series


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