Cancer Support | NJ & Phila | The Magaziner Center for Wellness

Cancer Treatment and Support

Despite all we know about cancer, hundreds of thousands still die from it in the U.S. every year. Conventional therapies, frequently cause patients to suffer unbearable side effects that significantly reduce their quality of life and often without extending it.

At the Magaziner Center for Wellness, our comprehensive Cancer Support Program involves assessing and treating the metabolic pathways of our patients.  We get at the root causes of the disease; treating the whole patient instead of simply treating the disease. We utilize natural therapies that have been shown to be highly effective.

It’s what we call thriving while surviving. Whereas conventional medicine uses a disease-oriented model to address cancer, we stress the importance of a health plan to support your body’s needs.

How we treat it

The Magaziner Center’s Comprehensive Cancer Support Program combines conventional, complementary and functional therapies individualized to the needs of each patient. We place great emphasis on an extremely thorough series of lab tests to evaluate the metabolic pathways of cells as they proliferate in the immune system, inflammatory markers, antioxidant defenses, nutritional status, and overall toxic burden to the body. Most of our patients have already been through the rigors of conventional treatments but have either experienced adverse side effects or unsatisfactory outcomes or both.

Our whole-body approach to cancer includes a variety of therapies, such as dietary modifications, nutrient supplementation, intravenous vitamin C, oxidative therapies, immunotherapy, detoxification, nutrition, lifestyle modifications, exercise therapy, spirituality and mind-body techniques, including stress management and meditation, all with the goal of strengthening the immune system and restoring normal cellular function.

Our treatments are focused on:

  • Reducing inflammation
  • Enhancing cellular immune response
  • Improving mitochondrial function
  • Reducing risks of blood clots
  • Inactivating cancer stem cells

These cancer stem cells or cancer initiating cells, are likely to cause recurrences and metastasis of the disease and are often far more harmful than the actual tumor cells.

We strive to change the microenvironment and behavior of the cancer cells by reducing the fuel to these cells while leaving healthy cells alone.

Our support program can help defy all cancers.  We’ve developed treatment protocols for all cancers including, breast, colon, lung, bladder, endometrial, prostate, esophageal, pancreatic, thyroid, head and neck tumors, as well as leukemia, melanoma, multiple myeloma and Hodgkin’s lymphoma.

We stress that each patient is treated individually since no two people are the same, and no two cancers are exactly the same, in spite of perhaps the same diagnosis. We all have different metabolism, biochemistry, genetics and triggers for our disease so we recommend a customized and personalized approach for each patient. Once we evaluate you, we are better able to provide a plan to promote healing and a favorable outcome.

Related articles and research:

Low Testosterone and Depression

Foods Rich in Polyphenols May Stop Cancer Spread

Does Inflammation Cause Breast Cancer? Can Stress Management Stop The Spread?

Does Inflammation Cause Breast Cancer? Can Stress Management Stop The Spread?

Low Testosterone and Depression

Pancreatic Cancer Diet

More research and articles

Ready to get started with Cancer Support?

Get in touch with us by using the link below and a member of our team will contact you. Or call us during office hours at 856-424-8222.

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