Flaxseed Oil - here are the benefits in new research - Magaziner Center

Flaxseed Oil – here are the benefits in new research

Flaxseed oil is a good source of omega-3 fatty acids as well as omega-6 and omega-9 fatty acids which can contribute to heart health and help reduce inflammation.

Doctors are also exploring the many uses of flaxseed oil in treating insulin, glucose, diabetes problems.

In one study doctors in India working with obese mice found that flaxseed oil positively affected symptoms associated with insulin resistance and may be effective in relieving symptoms associated with obesity-associated insulin resistance by reducing inflammation.1

In other research doctors confirmed that dietary omega-3 fatty acids have a positive physiological effects on lipid metabolism, cardiovascular system and insulin resistance. In adding flaxseed oil in combination to fish oil they found a therapeutic potential in preventing lipid abnormalities in patients with type 2 diabetes. This included lowered serum triglycerides and very low-density lipoprotein cholesterol levels and elevated serum high-density lipoprotein.2

And in another study doctors concluded that flaxseed oil supplementation may be useful in the treatment of brain dysfunction in diabetes.3 And as a possible therapeutic in fatty liver disease.4

Many suggest that the best way to get your daily flaxseed is as an oil. Even simply taking a teaspoon a day.

1. Bashir S, Ali S, Khan F. Partial Reversal of Obesity-Induced Insulin Resistance Owing to Anti-Inflammatory Immunomodulatory Potential of Flaxseed Oil. Immunol Invest. 2015;44(5):451-69. doi: 10.3109/08820139.2015.1025960.

2. Devarshi PP, Jangale NM, Ghule AE, Bodhankar SL, Harsulkar AM. Beneficial effects of flaxseed oil and fish oil diet are through modulation of different hepatic genes involved in lipid metabolism in streptozotocin-nicotinamide induced diabetic rats. Genes Nutr. 2013 May;8(3):329-42. doi: 10.1007/s12263-012-0326-2. Epub 2012 Dec 7.

3.  Badawy E, Rasheed W, Elias T, Hussein J, Harvi M, Morsy S, Mahmoud YE. Flaxseed oil reduces oxidative stress and enhances brain monoamines release in streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats. Hum Exp Toxicol. 2015 Feb 9. pii: 0960327115571765. [Epub ahead of print]

4. Bhathena S, Ali AA, Haudenschild C, Latham P, Ranich T, Mohamed AI, Hansen CT, Velasquez MT. Dietary flaxseed meal is more protective than soy protein concentrate against hypertriglyceridemia and steatosis of the liver in an animal model of obesity. J Am Coll Nutr. 2003 Apr;22(2):157-64.

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